What We Do
Helping Single-Parent Families In Cobb County
The mission of “10 Women of Hope” is to provide one-time financial support to stable single-parent families in Cobb County who are experiencing a critical need.
The vision of “10 Women of Hope” is to impact a family’s life by providing financial support during a critical period that results in a positive outcome.
We operate under 501(c)(3) guidelines and donations received are given to single parents who need it most.
Our commitment is to assist single parent families who, from time to time, struggle financially. We also help single dads and grandparents on occasion. We work to offer hope by helping meet their current financial needs. Often times, it can mean the difference between missing work because of car trouble or a child not getting to participate in sports because of the financial hardship it places on the parent. Whether it is to stabilize situations related to housing, employment, or health, 10 WOMEN of HOPE will not discriminate against income levels or race.
The 10 Women of Hope have established a network of reliable, community-based partners who make referrals to the organization. These partners act as an intermediary in that they submit the application on behalf of the applicants. Applicants cannot apply directly with one of the organization’s members.
10 Women of Hope” is a volunteer group with no operations cost – we have no building, no phone, and no staff. Our work is accomplished by 10 dedicated women who are volunteers and want to make a difference in the life of a single parent experiencing unexpected financial needs.
Two Stories from 2020
Working together, we have helped 25 families in 2020. Here are two examples.
- ❤A referral was received for "Marie," an employed single mother with 4 children. Doctors recently discovered a mass and recommended she undergo further testing. She found herself in the hospital for 3 weeks following 3 separate surgeries. Due to her hospitalization, she fell behind on her rent. The 10 Women of Hope paid for the arrears on her rent and brought her current, keeping her in her home.
- ❤A referral was received for "Debbie," a single mother of a high school student. Due to Covid, she was furloughed from her job which resulted in the loss of their home. Forced to live in their car for a short time before finding a hotel situation, she became further behind on her bills. She returned to work recently, but continued to struggle with the gap in her finances due to her time out of work. Through all this, her son remained in school, earning straight A’s in spite of the stressful conditions. 10 Women of Hope funds assisted "Debbie" with rent and deposit on a new lease, and made it possible for this family to live in a stable residence again.